Latest news on olusegun obasanjo

Olusegun Obasanjo is a former President of Nigeria, serving from 1999 to 2007. Here are some of the latest news updates on him:

  1. Obasanjo's letter to Buhari: In January 2020, Obasanjo wrote an open letter to President Muhammadu Buhari, criticizing his government's handling of the country's economy, security, and corruption. The letter sparked a heated debate in Nigeria, with many praising Obasanjo's candor while others accused him of being biased.
  2. Obasanjo's support for Atiku: In February 2020, Obasanjo endorsed former Vice President Atiku Abubakar as his preferred candidate for the 2023 presidential election. Obasanjo had previously criticized Atiku, but he claimed that the latter had reformed and was now the best candidate to lead Nigeria.
  3. Obasanjo's health: In March 2020, Obasanjo was hospitalized in Lagos, Nigeria, after falling ill. He was later discharged and returned to his home in Abeokuta, Ogun State.
  4. Obasanjo's criticism of APC: In April 2020, Obasanjo criticized the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) for its handling of the country's economy and security. He accused the party of being corrupt and incompetent, and called for a change in leadership.
  5. Obasanjo's support for PDP: In May 2020, Obasanjo endorsed the People's Democratic Party (PDP) as the best party to lead Nigeria. He claimed that the PDP had a better chance of addressing the country's problems than the APC.
  6. Obasanjo's call for national dialogue: In June 2020, Obasanjo called for a national dialogue to address the country's security and economic challenges. He claimed that the government was not doing enough to address these issues and that a national dialogue was necessary to find solutions.
  7. Obasanjo's criticism of Buhari's government: In July 2020, Obasanjo criticized the Buhari government for its handling of the country's economy, security, and corruption. He claimed that the government was not doing enough to address these issues and that it was time for a change in leadership.

These are just a few of the latest news updates on Olusegun Obasanjo. As a former President of Nigeria, Obasanjo remains a prominent figure in Nigerian politics and continues to be involved in national issues.