New keyboard phone

You're looking for a new keyboard phone! There are many great options out there, but I'd like to help you narrow down your search. Here are a few questions to consider:

  1. What's your budget like? Are you looking to spend under $200, or are you open to spending a bit more?
  2. Do you have a preferred operating system? Android, iOS, or maybe something else?
  3. What features are must-haves for you? Do you need a physical keyboard, or are you okay with a virtual one?
  4. Are you looking for a specific type of phone? For example, a budget-friendly option, a gaming phone, or a phone with a great camera?

Based on your answers, here are a few keyboard phone options to consider:

Budget-friendly options:

  1. Nokia 2.3 - A budget-friendly Android phone with a physical keyboard, available for around $150.
  2. BlackBerry KEY2 LE - A mid-range Android phone with a physical keyboard, available for around $250.

Mid-range options:

  1. BlackBerry KEY3 - A mid-range Android phone with a physical keyboard, available for around $400.
  2. Samsung Galaxy A52 - A mid-range Android phone with a virtual keyboard, available for around $350.

High-end options:

  1. BlackBerry Priv - A high-end Android phone with a physical keyboard, available for around $500.
  2. Nokia E7 - A high-end Symbian phone with a physical keyboard, available for around $300 (note: this phone is a bit older, but still a great option if you're looking for a physical keyboard).

Let me know if any of these options stand out to you, or if you have any other specific preferences!