Latest news on buhari speech

You're referring to the latest news on President Muhammadu Buhari's speech!

As of my knowledge cutoff, here are some recent updates:

Latest Speech: On February 26, 2023, President Buhari delivered a speech at the National Assembly in Abuja, Nigeria, marking the beginning of the 2023 legislative year. In the speech, he highlighted the government's achievements, challenges, and priorities for the new year.

Key Points:

  1. Economic Growth: Buhari emphasized the need to diversify the economy, improve infrastructure, and boost agricultural production to reduce reliance on oil exports.
  2. Security: He reiterated the government's commitment to tackling insecurity, particularly in the north-east, and praised the efforts of security agencies in combating terrorism.
  3. Infrastructure Development: The President highlighted the progress made in infrastructure development, including the construction of roads, bridges, and rail lines.
  4. Education: Buhari emphasized the importance of education, calling for increased investment in the sector to improve access and quality.
  5. Healthcare: He emphasized the need to improve healthcare infrastructure and services, particularly in rural areas.

Reactions: The speech received mixed reactions from Nigerians, with some praising the President's efforts to address key challenges, while others criticized the lack of concrete solutions to pressing issues like poverty, unemployment, and corruption.

Next Steps: The President's speech sets the tone for the government's priorities in the coming year. The National Assembly will now review the budget and consider legislation to implement the President's proposals.

Please note that news and updates are constantly evolving, so I recommend checking reputable news sources for the latest information on President Buhari's speech and the Nigerian government's activities.

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