List of top digital marketing experts

Here's a list of top digital marketing experts, in no particular order:

  1. Gary Vaynerchuk (GaryVee): Entrepreneur, author, and speaker, known for his expertise in social media marketing and content creation.
  2. Neil Patel: Digital marketing expert, entrepreneur, and author, known for his work in SEO, content marketing, and conversion optimization.
  3. Mari Smith: Leading expert on Facebook marketing, author, and speaker, known for her expertise in social media marketing and online business growth.
  4. Seth Godin: Author, speaker, and entrepreneur, known for his expertise in marketing, branding, and online business growth.
  5. Brian Clark: Founder of Copyblogger, expert in content marketing, SEO, and online business growth.
  6. Ann Handley: Chief Content Officer at MarketingProfs, expert in content marketing, social media, and online business growth.
  7. Jay Baer: Digital marketing expert, author, and speaker, known for his expertise in content marketing, social media, and online business growth.
  8. Chris Brogan: Digital marketing expert, author, and speaker, known for his expertise in social media, content marketing, and online business growth.
  9. Michael Stelzner: Founder of Social Media Examiner, expert in social media marketing, content marketing, and online business growth.
  10. Pam Moore: Digital marketing expert, author, and speaker, known for her expertise in social media, content marketing, and online business growth.
  11. Jeffalytics: Digital marketing expert, author, and speaker, known for his expertise in SEO, content marketing, and online business growth.
  12. Ahrefs: Digital marketing expert, author, and speaker, known for his expertise in SEO, content marketing, and online business growth.
  13. Rand Fishkin: Co-founder of Moz, expert in SEO, content marketing, and online business growth.
  14. Moz: Digital marketing expert, author, and speaker, known for his expertise in SEO, content marketing, and online business growth.
  15. HubSpot: Digital marketing expert, author, and speaker, known for his expertise in inbound marketing, content marketing, and online business growth.
  16. Unbounce: Digital marketing expert, author, and speaker, known for his expertise in landing page optimization, conversion optimization, and online business growth.
  17. KISSmetrics: Digital marketing expert, author, and speaker, known for his expertise in analytics, conversion optimization, and online business growth.
  18. Alyson Harrold: Digital marketing expert, author, and speaker, known for her expertise in social media, content marketing, and online business growth.
  19. Chris Guillebeau: Digital marketing expert, author, and speaker, known for his expertise in online business growth, entrepreneurship, and marketing.
  20. Ramit Sethi: Digital marketing expert, author, and speaker, known for his expertise in online business growth, entrepreneurship, and marketing.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list, and there are many other digital marketing experts who are highly knowledgeable and experienced in their field.