Latest news about peace corps today

Here are some of the latest news and updates about the Peace Corps:

Recent News

  1. Peace Corps Celebrates 60th Anniversary: The Peace Corps celebrated its 60th anniversary on March 1, 2021, marking six decades of promoting peace and friendship around the world. (Source: Peace Corps)
  2. New Peace Corps Director Appointed: President Joe Biden appointed Carol Spahn as the new Director of the Peace Corps on February 24, 2021. Spahn has over 20 years of experience in international development and humanitarian work. (Source: White House)
  3. Peace Corps Expands Programs in Africa: The Peace Corps announced the expansion of its programs in Africa, with new projects in countries such as Ghana, Kenya, and Tanzania. (Source: Peace Corps)
  4. Peace Corps Volunteers Return to Service: The Peace Corps has begun returning volunteers to service in countries around the world, following a temporary suspension of operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: Peace Corps)
  5. Peace Corps Launches New Online Platform: The Peace Corps launched a new online platform, "Peace Corps Connect," which allows volunteers to connect with each other, share their experiences, and access resources and support. (Source: Peace Corps)

Recent Reports and Studies

  1. Peace Corps Impact Report: The Peace Corps released its 2020 Impact Report, which highlights the organization's achievements in areas such as education, health, and environmental conservation. (Source: Peace Corps)
  2. Global Health Security Index: A recent report by the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security found that Peace Corps volunteers play a critical role in strengthening global health security. (Source: Nuclear Threat Initiative)
  3. Education for Sustainable Development: A study by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) found that Peace Corps volunteers are effective in promoting education for sustainable development in host countries. (Source: UCLA)

Upcoming Events

  1. Peace Corps National Conference: The Peace Corps will hold its National Conference in Washington, D.C. from June 24-27, 2021, featuring keynote speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities. (Source: Peace Corps)
  2. Global Youth Service Day: The Peace Corps will participate in Global Youth Service Day on April 17, 2021, which aims to promote youth volunteerism and community service. (Source: Global Youth Service Day)

These are just a few of the latest news and updates about the Peace Corps. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend visiting the Peace Corps website or following the organization's social media accounts.