Latest immigration news

Here are some of the latest immigration news updates:

US Immigration

  1. DACA Renewals: The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced that it will resume accepting renewal applications for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) on November 18, 2022. (Source: USCIS)
  2. Asylum Seekers: The US government has announced plans to increase the number of asylum seekers it will process each day at the US-Mexico border, from 100 to 500. (Source: CNN)
  3. Travel Ban: The US Supreme Court has upheld the Trump administration's travel ban, which restricts travel to the US from several predominantly Muslim countries. (Source: NPR)

Global Immigration

  1. UK Immigration: The UK government has announced plans to introduce a new points-based immigration system, which will prioritize skilled workers and reduce the number of low-skilled migrants. (Source: BBC)
  2. Canada Immigration: Canada has launched a new immigration program aimed at attracting skilled workers and international students. (Source: CBC)
  3. Australia Immigration: Australia has introduced a new visa program for international students, which will allow them to work in the country for up to four years after graduation. (Source: SBS)

Refugee Crisis

  1. Afghan Refugees: The US has announced plans to accept up to 30,000 Afghan refugees who worked with the US military or government. (Source: AP News)
  2. Yemeni Refugees: The US has announced plans to accept up to 2,000 Yemeni refugees who are fleeing conflict and persecution. (Source: Al Jazeera)
  3. Syrian Refugees: The European Union has announced plans to accept up to 50,000 Syrian refugees who are fleeing conflict and persecution. (Source: EU News)

Other Immigration News

  1. Border Wall: The US government has announced plans to build a new border wall along the US-Mexico border, which will cost up to $25 billion. (Source: Fox News)
  2. Immigration Reform: The US House of Representatives has passed a bill aimed at providing a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants. (Source: The Hill)
  3. ICE Raids: US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has announced plans to conduct a series of raids aimed at deporting undocumented immigrants. (Source: CNN)

These are just a few of the latest immigration news updates. If you're looking for more information, I recommend checking out reputable news sources such as the BBC, CNN, and NPR.