Mmm starts payment january 14 asks participants to perform promo tasks

It seems like MMM (Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox) has started payment and is asking participants to perform promotional tasks. Here's a breakdown of what's happening:

  1. Payment start: MMM has started paying out to participants, which means that the system has generated and distributed the promised returns to those who have invested in the scheme.
  2. Promo tasks: As part of the payment process, MMM is asking participants to perform promotional tasks to help spread the word about the scheme. These tasks are likely designed to encourage participants to recruit new members and increase the scheme's visibility.

It's essential to note that MMM is a Ponzi scheme, which means that it relies on recruiting new members and convincing them to invest in the scheme. The scheme promises unusually high returns to attract investors, but it doesn't generate revenue through legitimate means. Instead, it uses the money from new investors to pay the returns to earlier investors.

As a result, MMM is unsustainable and will eventually collapse, causing significant financial losses for its participants. It's crucial to avoid investing in MMM and other similar schemes to protect your financial well-being.

If you're considering investing in MMM or any other investment opportunity, please exercise extreme caution and do your due diligence. It's always a good idea to research the investment thoroughly, understand the risks involved, and seek advice from a financial advisor before making a decision.