Largest news agency in the world

The largest news agency in the world is the Associated Press (AP), which is a non-profit cooperative owned by its member newspapers and broadcasters. The AP was founded in 1848 and is headquartered in New York City.

The AP is a global news organization that provides news coverage to over 1,700 newspapers, magazines, and online news sites in the United States and around the world. It has a staff of over 4,000 journalists and photographers in more than 250 bureaus in over 100 countries.

The AP is known for its comprehensive and objective coverage of news, sports, and entertainment, and is widely regarded as one of the most respected and trusted sources of news in the world. It is also a major provider of video and audio content, and has a significant presence on social media platforms.

Some of the key statistics that demonstrate the AP's size and reach include:

Other major news agencies in the world include:

It's worth noting that the size and reach of news agencies can vary depending on the criteria used to measure them, and different agencies may have different strengths and specializations.