Lagos working to identify contacts of first confirmed coronavirus case in nigeria involving italian

According to reports, the Lagos State Government has begun tracing and identifying the contacts of the first confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Nigeria, which involves an Italian national.

The Italian national, who is a 44-year-old businessman, arrived in Nigeria on February 25 and was admitted to a hospital in Lagos after showing symptoms of the virus. He was later confirmed to be positive for COVID-19 by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC).

The Lagos State Government has activated its emergency response plan to contain the spread of the virus and has begun tracing the contacts of the Italian national. This includes identifying anyone who may have come into close contact with him during his stay in Nigeria.

The government has also set up a task force to coordinate the response to the outbreak, which includes representatives from the NCDC, the Lagos State Ministry of Health, and other relevant agencies.

The task force is working to identify and isolate anyone who may have been in close contact with the Italian national, including his family members, colleagues, and anyone who may have been in the same location as him.

The government has also activated its emergency operations center to coordinate the response to the outbreak and has set up isolation centers to treat anyone who may be infected with the virus.

The public has been advised to remain calm and to follow the guidelines set by the government to prevent the spread of the virus. This includes washing hands frequently, avoiding close contact with anyone who may be infected, and avoiding crowded areas.

It is important to note that the government is taking all necessary measures to contain the spread of the virus and to protect the public's health.