Lagos third mainland bridge to be temporarily shut down for four days

According to recent reports, the Lagos State Government has announced that the Third Mainland Bridge in Lagos will be temporarily shut down for four days starting from Friday, July 31st, 2021.

The closure is part of the ongoing rehabilitation and maintenance work on the bridge, which is expected to last for four days, from July 31st to August 3rd, 2021. The closure is necessary to allow for the replacement of the expansion joints on the bridge, which is a critical component of the structure.

During the closure, traffic will be diverted to alternative routes, including the Carter Bridge, and the Ikorodu Road. Motorists are advised to plan their journeys accordingly and to expect delays.

The Lagos State Government has assured that the closure will not disrupt the normal flow of traffic in the state and has made arrangements to ensure that the diversion is managed efficiently.

It's worth noting that the Third Mainland Bridge is a critical infrastructure in Lagos, and its closure can have significant impacts on traffic and the economy. However, the government's decision to close the bridge is necessary to ensure the long-term safety and integrity of the structure.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!