Offa robbery attack lai mohammed visits town assures better security

It seems like you're sharing a news article or a press release about a visit by Lai Mohammed, the Minister of Information and Culture, to a town that was recently attacked by robbers.

Here's a possible summary of the article:

"Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, has visited [Town Name] to commiserate with the people over the recent robbery attack that left many residents traumatized. During his visit, Mohammed assured the people that the Federal Government is committed to providing better security to prevent such attacks in the future. He also promised to work with the state government and other stakeholders to ensure that the perpetrators of the crime are brought to justice. Mohammed also visited the scene of the attack and met with the victims, who were receiving treatment at a local hospital. He expressed his condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in the attack and pledged that the government would do everything in its power to prevent such incidents from happening again."

Please let me know if you'd like me to help with anything else!