Lagos lg polls pdp has no place here tinubu

It seems like you're referring to the recent Lagos State Local Government (LG) polls, where the People's Democratic Party (PDP) is not expected to perform well, according to your statement.

You're saying that the PDP has no place in Lagos, and that Bola Tinubu, a prominent figure in the All Progressives Congress (APC), is likely to dominate the polls. This is likely due to the APC's strong presence and influence in the state.

It's worth noting that Lagos is a stronghold of the APC, and the party has a significant following in the state. Tinubu, being a former Governor of Lagos and a key figure in the APC, is likely to have a strong influence on the outcome of the polls.

However, it's also important to remember that politics is unpredictable, and anything can happen on election day. The PDP may still have a chance to surprise everyone and perform better than expected.

What are your thoughts on the upcoming polls in Lagos? Do you think the PDP has a chance to upset the APC's dominance?