Satoshi uematsu japanese man who killed 19 disabled people sentenced to death

You're referring to Satoshi Uematsu, a Japanese man who was convicted of murdering 19 disabled people at a care home in Japan in 2016.

Satoshi Uematsu, 36, was sentenced to death in 2017 for the murders, which took place at the Tsukui Yamayuri-en care home in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, on July 26, 2016. The victims were all adults with intellectual disabilities who lived at the facility.

Uematsu, who had previously worked at the care home, entered the facility during the evening and used a fire extinguisher to attack the residents, killing 19 of them and injuring several others. He was arrested at the scene and later confessed to the crimes.

The motive behind the attack was not explicitly stated, but Uematsu had previously expressed anti-disabled sentiments and had been known to have a troubled past. He had also been fired from his job at the care home several years earlier.

The case sparked widespread outrage and grief in Japan, with many people expressing shock and disbelief at the brutality of the attack. The incident also raised questions about the treatment of people with disabilities in Japan and the need for greater support and protection for this vulnerable population.

Uematsu's sentence was confirmed by the Tokyo High Court in 2018, and he is currently awaiting execution on death row.