Kwara apc awaits chief bisi akande to smoothen rough edges

It appears you're referring to the Kwara State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and Chief Bisi Akande, a prominent APC chieftain.

From what I gather, the Kwara APC is seeking Chief Akande's intervention to help resolve some internal conflicts and "rough edges" within the party. As a respected elder statesman and former interim national chairman of the APC, Chief Akande is known for his ability to mediate and bring people together.

It's likely that the Kwara APC is hoping that Chief Akande's involvement will help to:

  1. Resolve internal conflicts: The party may be experiencing some internal squabbles, and Chief Akande's presence could help to calm the situation and find a middle ground.
  2. Unite party members: With Chief Akande's guidance, the party may be able to come together and present a united front, which is essential for achieving its goals.
  3. Provide strategic guidance: As a seasoned politician, Chief Akande could offer valuable advice and guidance to help the party navigate the complex political landscape in Kwara State.

By bringing Chief Akande on board, the Kwara APC may be able to smooth out some of the rough edges and create a more cohesive and effective party structure.