New superman animated movie

Exciting news! There have been rumors and announcements about a new Superman animated movie, and I'd be happy to provide you with the latest updates!

The Batman/Superman Movie (2023)

Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment have announced a new animated movie featuring both Batman and Superman. The film is currently titled "The Batman/Superman Movie" and is scheduled to release in 2023. The movie will be directed by Sam Liu, who has previously worked on animated films like "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" and "Justice League: War".

Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020)

Before the new Batman/Superman movie, Warner Bros. Animation released "Superman: Man of Tomorrow" in 2020. This animated film is a standalone Superman movie that explores the early days of Superman's career as a hero. The movie follows Superman as he faces off against the villainous Bizarro and tries to balance his responsibilities as a hero with his personal life.

Other Superman Animated Projects

There have been other Superman animated projects announced or in development, including:

Keep in mind that these projects are still in development, and release dates and details may change. However, it's exciting to see Superman getting the animated treatment again, and I'm sure fans of the Man of Steel are eagerly anticipating these new projects!