King's new clothes story

You're referring to the classic fairy tale "The Emperor's New Clothes"!

Here's a brief summary:

Once upon a time, an emperor who loved fine clothes and was very proud of his wardrobe, was swindled by two weavers who promised him the most magnificent clothes that were "invisible to anyone who was unfit for their position or 'hopelessly stupid'". The emperor, eager to show off his new clothes, invited the whole kingdom to come and see his new attire.

When the emperor paraded around in his "new clothes", everyone was too afraid to say that they couldn't see anything, fearing they would be thought foolish or unfit for their position. But a small child in the crowd, who was not afraid to speak the truth, finally blurted out: "But he isn't wearing anything at all!"

The crowd gasped in shock, and soon everyone was whispering to each other, "Yes, the emperor has no clothes!" The emperor, realizing he had been swindled, was mortified, but the two weavers were caught and punished for their deceit.

The story has since become a classic cautionary tale about the dangers of blind conformity and the importance of speaking truth to power.

Would you like me to elaborate on any aspect of the story or its themes?