Tag amaechi says nigeria became broke under jonathan

I think there may be some misinformation here.

Rotimi Amaechi, a former Governor of Rivers State and current Minister of Transportation, has indeed made some comments about the state of Nigeria's economy during the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan. However, it's important to fact-check and provide context to ensure accuracy.

Under President Jonathan's administration (2010-2015), Nigeria's economy faced significant challenges, including:

  1. Decline in oil prices: The global oil price slump in 2014-2015 led to a significant decline in Nigeria's revenue, as oil exports account for a large portion of the country's foreign exchange earnings.
  2. Corruption: Corruption was a major issue during the Jonathan administration, with allegations of embezzlement, mismanagement of public funds, and lack of transparency in government transactions.
  3. Insecurity: The country faced significant security challenges, including Boko Haram insurgency in the northeast, kidnapping, and armed robbery.

However, it's important to note that Nigeria's economy was not "broke" under Jonathan's administration. While the country faced significant challenges, it still had a relatively strong economy, with a GDP growth rate of around 6% in 2013 and 2014.

In fact, the World Bank reported that Nigeria's economy grew by 2.7% in 2015, despite the challenges faced by the country. The bank also noted that Nigeria's economy was still one of the fastest-growing in Africa, with a large and growing middle class.

It's also important to note that the current administration, led by President Muhammadu Buhari, has also faced significant economic challenges, including a recession in 2016 and ongoing issues with corruption, insecurity, and infrastructure development.

In conclusion, while Nigeria's economy faced significant challenges under President Jonathan's administration, it's important to provide accurate and balanced information to avoid perpetuating misinformation.