Kim jong un breaking news

I'm not aware of any recent breaking news about Kim Jong-un. However, I can provide you with some general information about the current situation in North Korea and Kim Jong-un's leadership.

Kim Jong-un is the Supreme Leader of North Korea, a position he has held since 2011. He is the third generation of his family to rule the country, following his father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim Il-sung.

Under Kim Jong-un's leadership, North Korea has continued to develop its nuclear weapons program and has conducted several missile tests, including intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). The country has also faced international sanctions and criticism for its human rights record and its treatment of political prisoners.

In recent years, there have been some signs of change in North Korea, including the country's participation in the Winter Olympics in South Korea in 2018 and the summit between Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in in 2018. However, the country remains a highly isolated and authoritarian state, and the situation on the Korean Peninsula remains tense.

If you're looking for breaking news about Kim Jong-un or North Korea, I recommend checking reputable news sources such as the BBC, CNN, or the New York Times.