Does nasarawa united has a new signing called atah

A question about Nigerian football!

After conducting a search, I couldn't find any reliable sources confirming that Nasarawa United has signed a player named Atah. It's possible that the player may not have been officially announced by the club or may not have been reported by the media.

However, I can suggest a few options to help you verify the information:

  1. Check the official website of Nasarawa United: You can visit the club's official website to see if they have announced any new signings, including a player named Atah.
  2. Follow reputable Nigerian football sources: Websites like, Vanguard News, and Punch Newspapers often report on Nigerian football news, including player signings. You can search their archives or follow their social media accounts to see if they have reported on Nasarawa United's signings.
  3. Contact Nasarawa United directly: You can try contacting the club's management or media team directly to ask about their latest signings. They may be able to provide you with information on any new players, including Atah.