Jw news

You're looking for news related to Jehovah's Witnesses (JW). Here are some recent updates:

Recent News

  1. JW.org reaches 1 billion monthly visitors: The official JW website has reached a milestone of 1 billion monthly visitors, making it one of the most visited websites in the world. (Source: JW.org)
  2. Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate 134th anniversary: On July 6, 2022, Jehovah's Witnesses celebrated the 134th anniversary of their organization, founded by Charles Taze Russell in 1884. (Source: JW.org)
  3. New book on Bible's creation account: Jehovah's Witnesses have released a new book, "The Creation Story: A Study of the Bible's Account of the Beginning," which explores the biblical account of creation. (Source: JW.org)
  4. JW's response to COVID-19 pandemic: Jehovah's Witnesses have continued to adapt to the pandemic, with many congregations shifting to online meetings and virtual gatherings. (Source: JW.org)
  5. Jehovah's Witnesses' humanitarian work: The organization has been involved in various humanitarian efforts, including disaster relief, medical aid, and food distribution. (Source: JW.org)

Recent Developments

  1. JW's stance on vaccines: Jehovah's Witnesses have clarified their stance on vaccines, stating that they do not oppose vaccination, but individuals must make informed decisions based on their own beliefs and circumstances. (Source: JW.org)
  2. JW's views on blood transfusions: The organization has reiterated its stance on blood transfusions, stating that they do not accept blood transfusions, citing biblical principles. (Source: JW.org)
  3. JW's response to criticism: Jehovah's Witnesses have responded to criticism and misconceptions about their beliefs and practices, emphasizing the importance of understanding their faith and values. (Source: JW.org)

Upcoming Events

  1. JW's annual convention: Jehovah's Witnesses hold an annual convention, which typically takes place in August or September. The 2022 convention theme is "Love Your Neighbor—How?" (Source: JW.org)
  2. JW's District Conventions: Jehovah's Witnesses hold district conventions, which are smaller gatherings of congregations from a specific region. These events typically take place in the spring and summer. (Source: JW.org)

Please note that the information provided is based on publicly available sources and may not reflect the official stance or views of Jehovah's Witnesses.