How to search for a news report video clip on

There are several ways to search for a news report video clip on various platforms. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Method 1: Search on YouTube

  1. Go to and type the keywords related to the news report you're looking for in the search bar.
  2. Use specific keywords like "news report", "video clip", "date of broadcast", "news channel", "topic", etc.
  3. You can also use quotes to search for exact phrases, like "ABC News report on COVID-19".
  4. Filter the search results by date, relevance, or view count to find the most relevant video clip.
  5. Click on the video title or thumbnail to watch the clip.

Method 2: Search on News Websites

  1. Go to the website of a reputable news organization, such as CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, or Fox News.
  2. Use the search bar on the website to search for the news report you're looking for.
  3. Use specific keywords like "video", "clip", "report", "interview", etc.
  4. You can also use the website's archives or "On Demand" section to find older news reports.
  5. Click on the video title or thumbnail to watch the clip.

Method 3: Search on Online News Aggregators

  1. Go to online news aggregators like NewsNow, Google News, or Apple News.
  2. Search for the news report you're looking for using the search bar.
  3. Filter the search results by date, relevance, or source to find the most relevant video clip.
  4. Click on the video title or thumbnail to watch the clip.

Method 4: Use News Search Engines

  1. Go to news search engines like NewsBank, LexisNexis, or ProQuest.
  2. Search for the news report you're looking for using the search bar.
  3. Filter the search results by date, relevance, or source to find the most relevant video clip.
  4. Click on the video title or thumbnail to watch the clip.

Tips and Variations

By following these steps and tips, you should be able to find the news report video clip you're looking for!