Julian assange news

Julian Assange is a Australian journalist and founder of WikiLeaks, a non-profit organization that publishes leaked documents and information. He has been in the news frequently over the years due to his controversial activities and legal battles. Here are some recent news updates about Julian Assange:

Recent Developments:

  1. Extradition Hearing: In February 2020, Assange's extradition hearing began in London's Westminster Magistrates' Court. The US government is seeking his extradition to face charges related to the publication of classified documents in 2010.
  2. Health Concerns: Assange's health has been a concern during his detention at the Belmarsh Prison in London. He has been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and a heart condition, and has been treated for these conditions while in prison.
  3. UK Government's Position: The UK government has maintained that it will extradite Assange to the US if he is found to be mentally fit to stand trial. However, some UK politicians have expressed concerns about the potential consequences of extraditing Assange.
  4. International Support: Assange has received support from various international figures, including journalists, politicians, and human rights activists. Many have argued that his extradition would set a dangerous precedent for press freedom and freedom of speech.
  5. WikiLeaks' Activities: Despite Assange's detention, WikiLeaks has continued to publish leaked documents and information. In recent years, the organization has published documents related to the US presidential election, the COVID-19 pandemic, and other global issues.

Recent News Articles:

  1. "Julian Assange's extradition hearing delayed due to COVID-19" (The Guardian, March 2020)
  2. "Assange's health 'deteriorating rapidly' in UK prison, says doctor" (The New York Times, February 2020)
  3. "UK government urged to reconsider Assange extradition" (The Telegraph, January 2020)
  4. "Julian Assange's lawyers argue he is 'unfit' to stand trial" (The Independent, February 2020)
  5. "WikiLeaks publishes documents on US military's use of biometric technology" (The Washington Post, January 2020)

Recent Interviews and Statements:

  1. "Julian Assange's statement on his extradition hearing" (WikiLeaks, February 2020)
  2. "Assange's lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, on his extradition hearing" (The Guardian, February 2020)
  3. "John Pilger on Julian Assange's extradition hearing" (The Guardian, February 2020)
  4. "Assange's father, John Shipton, on his son's health and extradition" (The Sydney Morning Herald, February 2020)

Please note that the news articles and statements mentioned above are subject to change and may not reflect the current situation.