
Here are some possible meanings and uses of the word "contact":

  1. Communication: To establish a connection or communication with someone or something, such as making contact with a customer service representative or contacting a friend through social media.
  2. Physical touch: To physically touch or come into contact with someone or something, such as shaking hands or touching a surface.
  3. Information: To gather or obtain information about someone or something, such as contacting a reference or contacting a company to inquire about a product.
  4. Meeting: To meet or come together with someone or a group, such as contacting a colleague for a meeting or contacting a friend to plan a social event.
  5. Emergency: To make contact with emergency services, such as contacting 911 or contacting a crisis hotline.

Some common phrases and expressions related to "contact" include:

Some examples of how to use "contact" in a sentence: