Jony ive new company

You're referring to the new company founded by Jonathan Ive, the legendary designer and former Chief Design Officer at Apple!

The company is called LoveFrom, and it was announced in June 2020. LoveFrom is a design and product development company that aims to create innovative products and experiences that make a positive impact on people's lives.

Jonathan Ive, who is widely credited with designing some of Apple's most iconic products, including the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, left Apple in 2019 after a 27-year tenure. He co-founded LoveFrom with his business partner, Marc Newson, a renowned designer and industrial designer.

LoveFrom has already partnered with several companies, including Apple, to work on various projects. The company's mission is to use design to make a positive impact on the world, and to create products that are both beautiful and functional.

It's exciting to see what LoveFrom will come up with next!