A practical guide to looking after your new home

Congratulations on your new home! Here's a practical guide to help you look after your new space:

Before You Move In

  1. Inspect the property: Take a thorough walk-through to identify any damages, defects, or issues. Document everything with photos and notes.
  2. Check the appliances: Test all appliances, including the oven, dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer, to ensure they're in good working condition.
  3. Check the plumbing: Turn on the faucets to test the water pressure and check for leaks.
  4. Check the electrical system: Test the lights, outlets, and switches to ensure they're functioning properly.
  5. Check the HVAC system: Test the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system to ensure it's working efficiently.

Daily Maintenance

  1. Clean as you go: Clean up spills and messes immediately to prevent damage and stains.
  2. Dust regularly: Dust surfaces, including furniture, lamps, and knick-knacks, to prevent dust buildup.
  3. Vacuum and mop: Vacuum and mop floors regularly to keep them clean and prevent dirt buildup.
  4. Check and replace air filters: Check and replace air filters in your HVAC system, vacuum cleaners, and air purifiers regularly.
  5. Check and repair leaks: Check for leaks under sinks, around toilets, and in the roof, and repair them promptly to prevent water damage.

Weekly Maintenance

  1. Clean the bathroom: Clean the bathroom, including the shower, sink, and toilet, to prevent grout and soap scum buildup.
  2. Clean the kitchen: Clean the kitchen, including the counters, sink, and stove, to prevent crumbs and spills from building up.
  3. Check and replace light bulbs: Check and replace light bulbs as needed to ensure your home is well-lit.
  4. Check and clean out gutters: Check and clean out gutters and downspouts to ensure proper water flow and prevent damage.
  5. Check and repair door and window seals: Check and repair door and window seals to prevent air leaks and moisture buildup.

Monthly Maintenance

  1. Check and replace smoke detector batteries: Check and replace smoke detector batteries to ensure your home is safe.
  2. Check and replace carbon monoxide detector batteries: Check and replace carbon monoxide detector batteries to ensure your home is safe.
  3. Check and clean out dryer vent: Check and clean out dryer vent to prevent fires and improve efficiency.
  4. Check and inspect roof: Check and inspect your roof for damaged, missing, or loose shingles, and repair or replace them as needed.
  5. Check and inspect foundation: Check and inspect your home's foundation for cracks, damage, or signs of settlement, and repair or replace as needed.

Seasonal Maintenance

  1. Spring:
    • Check and clean out gutters and downspouts
    • Check and repair door and window seals
    • Check and replace air filters
  2. Summer:
    • Check and inspect roof for damaged or missing shingles
    • Check and inspect foundation for cracks or damage
    • Check and replace light bulbs
  3. Fall:
    • Check and clean out gutters and downspouts
    • Check and repair door and window seals
    • Check and replace air filters
  4. Winter:
    • Check and inspect roof for damaged or missing shingles
    • Check and inspect foundation for cracks or damage
    • Check and replace smoke detector batteries

Additional Tips

  1. Keep a maintenance log: Keep a log of all maintenance tasks, including dates and descriptions, to track your home's maintenance history.
  2. Hire a professional: If you're not comfortable with certain maintenance tasks, consider hiring a professional to help you.
  3. Stay organized: Keep all maintenance supplies, including cleaning products and tools, organized and easily accessible.
  4. Prioritize: Prioritize maintenance tasks based on urgency and importance to ensure your home remains safe and well-maintained.

By following this practical guide, you'll be well on your way to keeping your new home in top condition and ensuring it remains a comfortable and safe place to live for years to come.