Johesu strike news update

I'm assuming you're referring to the ongoing strike by the Joint Health Sector Unions (JOHESU) in Nigeria. Here's a recent news update:

Latest Update (as of March 2023)

The strike by JOHESU, which began on April 17, 2022, has entered its 11th month. The union is demanding improved working conditions, better salaries, and the implementation of the 2017 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the union and the Federal Government.

Recent Developments

  1. Negotiations stalled: Despite several rounds of negotiations, the union and the government have failed to reach a consensus. JOHESU has accused the government of not being serious about resolving the strike.
  2. Healthcare services affected: The strike has led to a significant disruption of healthcare services in public hospitals across the country, causing suffering for patients and their families.
  3. Government's response: The government has maintained that it is willing to negotiate with JOHESU, but the union must first suspend its strike. The government has also offered some concessions, including the payment of outstanding allowances to JOHESU members.
  4. International pressure: The World Health Organization (WHO) and other international organizations have called on the Nigerian government to resolve the strike and ensure that healthcare services are restored to normal.

What's Next?

The strike is likely to continue until a resolution is reached between JOHESU and the government. The union has vowed to continue the strike until its demands are met. The government, on the other hand, is urging JOHESU to suspend the strike and return to the negotiating table.

Impact on Healthcare

The strike has had a significant impact on healthcare services in Nigeria, particularly in public hospitals. Patients are facing delays and difficulties in accessing medical care, and some have reported being turned away from hospitals due to the strike.


The JOHESU strike has entered its 11th month, and a resolution is yet to be reached. The strike has caused significant disruptions to healthcare services in Nigeria, and it is essential that the government and JOHESU return to the negotiating table to find a solution.