Jigawa sdp flagbearer bashir adamu joins pdp

It appears that Bashir Adamu, the flagbearer of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in Jigawa State, has defected to the People's Democratic Party (PDP).

This development is significant, as it could potentially impact the political landscape in Jigawa State and the country at large. As the flagbearer of the SDP, Bashir Adamu was a prominent figure in the party and had been actively campaigning for the governorship seat in Jigawa State.

By joining the PDP, Bashir Adamu is now expected to work with the party's leadership and other stakeholders to strengthen the party's chances in the upcoming elections. This move could also potentially create a rift within the SDP, as some party members may feel betrayed or disappointed by Adamu's decision to leave.

It will be interesting to see how this development unfolds and what implications it has for the political landscape in Jigawa State and beyond.