Bite his hand off brexiteers seize on donald tusks intervention

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or development related to Brexit and the involvement of Donald Tusk, the former President of the European Council.

To provide a brief summary, Donald Tusk recently made a statement suggesting that the UK would have to hold a second referendum if it wanted to leave the EU with a deal. This comment sparked a strong reaction from some Brexit supporters, who felt that Tusk was trying to undermine the democratic will of the British people.

Some Brexit enthusiasts, including prominent figures like Nigel Farage, seized on Tusk's comments and accused him of trying to "bite off" the UK's hand by attempting to dictate the terms of its departure from the EU. This phrase, "bite off his hand," is a metaphorical expression that means to take away someone's power or autonomy.

It's essential to note that Tusk's comments were likely intended to emphasize the importance of finding a mutually beneficial agreement between the UK and the EU, rather than trying to dictate the terms of the UK's departure. However, the reaction from some Brexit supporters highlights the ongoing tensions and disagreements surrounding the Brexit process.

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