Javascript new image

In JavaScript, you can create a new image object using the new keyword and the Image constructor. Here is an example:

var img = new Image();

This creates a new Image object, but it doesn't load an image file. To load an image file, you need to set the src property of the Image object to the URL of the image file.

Here is an example:

var img = new Image();
img.src = 'image.jpg';

This loads the image file image.jpg and sets it as the source of the Image object.

You can also set the src property to a data URL, which is a string that represents the image data. Here is an example:

var img = new Image();
img.src = '...';

This loads the image data from the data URL and sets it as the source of the Image object.

You can also use the createImageBitmap() method to create a new ImageBitmap object from an image file or a data URL. Here is an example:

var img = new ImageBitmap();
img.src = 'image.jpg';

This creates a new ImageBitmap object and loads the image file image.jpg into it.

You can also use the URL.createObjectURL() method to create a URL that points to the image file, and then use that URL to set the src property of the Image object. Here is an example:

var img = new Image();
var url = URL.createObjectURL('image.jpg');
img.src = url;

This creates a new URL that points to the image file image.jpg and sets it as the source of the Image object.

It's worth noting that the Image object is not a DOM element, it's a JavaScript object that represents an image. You can't use it directly in the HTML document, you need to use it in a JavaScript context, for example to load an image in a canvas element or to display it in a web page.

Also, you can use the fetch API to load an image file, here is an example:

 .then(response => response.blob())
 .then(blob => {
    var img = new Image();
    img.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

This loads the image file image.jpg using the fetch API, and then sets the src property of the Image object to the URL of the image data.