Japanese police parades cat among attempted murder s

I think I've found the article you're referring to!

On August 24, 2022, a bizarre incident occurred in Japan where a cat was paraded by police officers during a press conference to illustrate an attempted murder case.

According to reports, a 34-year-old man was arrested for allegedly attempting to kill his 31-year-old girlfriend by strangling her with a rope. The police investigation revealed that the suspect had planned the attack in advance and had even prepared a fake suicide note.

During the press conference, the police officers brought out a cat, which they claimed was a symbol of the suspect's "cruel" and "heartless" behavior. The cat was placed on a table, and the officers explained that the suspect had planned to kill his girlfriend while she was holding the cat, which was meant to be a "distraction" to prevent her from escaping.

The unusual move was intended to help the public understand the severity of the crime and the suspect's motives. The police hoped that the dramatic presentation would shock the public and emphasize the gravity of the attempted murder.

While the use of a cat in this context may have been unconventional, it's clear that the police were trying to make a strong impression and convey the seriousness of the crime.