New friends quotes

Here are some quotes about making new friends:

  1. "The best way to make new friends is to be a good friend." - Unknown
  2. "Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together." - Woodrow T. Wilson
  3. "New friends are like new books, they bring new stories and new adventures." - Unknown
  4. "The more you share, the more you'll get. The more you give, the more you'll receive. The more you connect, the more you'll find." - Unknown
  5. "Friendship is not about who you've known the longest, it's about who walks alongside you when you're lost." - Unknown
  6. "New friends are like new chapters in a book, they bring new excitement and new possibilities." - Unknown
  7. "The best way to make a new friend is to be yourself, because if you're not yourself, you'll never find someone who likes you for who you are." - Unknown
  8. "Friendship is the key to a happy life, and new friends are the key to a happy heart." - Unknown
  9. "New friends are like new flowers, they bring new beauty and new life to your garden." - Unknown
  10. "The more you put yourself out there, the more you'll find people who appreciate you for who you are." - Unknown
  11. "Friendship is not about being inseparable, it's about being separated and nothing changes." - Unknown
  12. "New friends are like new songs, they bring new melodies and new harmonies to your life." - Unknown
  13. "The best way to make a new friend is to find someone who shares your passions and interests, and then support them in their own pursuits." - Unknown
  14. "Friendship is the foundation of a happy life, and new friends are the foundation of a happy heart." - Unknown
  15. "New friends are like new adventures, they bring new excitement and new possibilities to your life." - Unknown

I hope these quotes inspire you to make new friends and cherish the friendships you already have!