Iwriter not accepting new writers

I apologize for the inconvenience. It's possible that iWriter is not accepting new writers due to various reasons such as:

  1. High demand: iWriter might be experiencing a high volume of applications from writers, and they may be taking a break from accepting new writers to focus on the existing pool of writers.
  2. Quality control: iWriter might be implementing new quality control measures to ensure that the content produced by their writers meets their standards. This could include a more rigorous application process or additional training for new writers.
  3. Technical issues: There might be technical issues on the iWriter platform that are preventing them from accepting new writers. This could include issues with their application process, payment systems, or other backend processes.
  4. Business decisions: iWriter might be making business decisions to focus on other areas of their platform, such as improving their algorithm or expanding their services.

If you're interested in writing for iWriter, I recommend checking their website or social media pages for updates on their writer application process. You can also try reaching out to their support team to ask about the status of their writer application process.

In the meantime, you might consider exploring other writing opportunities on platforms like:

  1. Upwork: A freelance platform that connects writers with clients.
  2. Freelancer: A platform that allows writers to compete for projects.
  3. Medium: A platform that allows writers to publish their work and earn money through their Partner Program.
  4. Textbroker: A platform that connects writers with clients who need content written.

Remember to always research the platform and understand their terms and conditions before applying or committing to any writing opportunities.