Bolaji abdullahi news

Bolaji Abdullahi is a Nigerian politician and former Minister of Youth Development. Here are some recent news updates about him:

  1. Resignation as Minister: In 2014, Bolaji Abdullahi resigned as the Minister of Youth Development, citing personal reasons. He was replaced by Senator Solomon Dalung.
  2. APC Crisis: In 2018, Abdullahi was involved in a controversy within the All Progressives Congress (APC) when he was accused of being a mole for the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). He denied the allegations and maintained his loyalty to the APC.
  3. Kwara State Politics: In 2020, Abdullahi was mentioned as a possible candidate for the governorship of Kwara State in the 2023 elections. However, he has not officially declared his interest in the position.
  4. National Assembly Ambitions: In 2022, Abdullahi expressed interest in running for a seat in the National Assembly, specifically the House of Representatives. He has not yet declared which constituency he intends to contest.
  5. Party Reconciliation Efforts: In 2022, Abdullahi was appointed as the Chairman of the APC Reconciliation Committee, tasked with resolving internal conflicts within the party. He has been working to mediate disputes and restore peace within the party.

These are some of the recent news updates about Bolaji Abdullahi. If you're looking for more information or specific updates, please let me know!