Its like a training session conte says inter had to overcome strange atmosphere

It sounds like you're referring to a recent match or training session of Inter Milan, and the coach Antonio Conte mentioned that the team had to overcome a strange atmosphere.

It's not uncommon for teams to face unusual conditions or environments during a match, which can affect their performance. This could be due to various factors such as the opponent's tactics, the crowd's behavior, or even the weather.

As a coach, Conte likely emphasized the importance of adapting to these conditions and finding ways to overcome them. He might have encouraged his players to stay focused, communicate effectively, and make adjustments to their strategy as needed.

By acknowledging the strange atmosphere and emphasizing the need to overcome it, Conte is likely trying to motivate his players to stay resilient and adaptable, even in the face of adversity. This mindset can help the team to stay positive and focused, which can ultimately lead to better performance and results.

Do you have any specific questions about this match or training session, or would you like to know more about Conte's coaching philosophy?