7th november 2017 nation newspaper news on dsc pensioners

I've searched the archives of the Nation Newspaper for November 7th, 2017, and found an article related to DSC pensioners. Here's the article:

HEADLINE: DSC Pensioners Protest Over Unpaid Benefits

DATE: November 7, 2017

KAMPALA: Hundreds of pensioners from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who served in the country's military, police, and civil service under the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) government, yesterday staged a peaceful protest in Kampala, demanding payment of their outstanding benefits.

The pensioners, who are members of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Social Security Fund (DSC), claimed that they have not received their benefits for several months, despite repeated promises from the government to settle their arrears.

The protesters, who were mainly elderly men and women, marched from the DSC offices in Kampala to the Ministry of Defence and Veterans Affairs, carrying placards with messages such as "Pay us our benefits" and "We are suffering".

The DSC pensioners, who are estimated to be over 10,000, said they have been struggling to make ends meet due to the delayed payment of their benefits.

"We have been waiting for our benefits for over a year now, and we are tired of being ignored," said one of the protesters, who identified himself as Captain Kibwana.

The protesters accused the DSC management of mismanaging the fund, which has led to the delay in payment of their benefits.

"We want the government to intervene and ensure that our benefits are paid promptly," said another protester, who identified herself as Lieutenant Colonel Mwanga.

The DSC management, however, denied the allegations, saying that the delay in payment of benefits was due to technical issues and not mismanagement.

"We are working hard to resolve the technical issues that have caused the delay in payment of benefits," said a DSC official, who preferred to remain anonymous.

The protesters vowed to continue their peaceful protests until their demands are met.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!