Israel vs hamas latest news

I'm happy to provide you with the latest news on the situation between Israel and Hamas. However, please note that the situation is constantly evolving, and the information may change rapidly.

Latest Developments:

As of my knowledge cutoff, here are the latest developments:

  1. Ceasefire Agreed: On May 21, 2021, a ceasefire was agreed upon between Israel and Hamas, ending an 11-day conflict that began on May 10, 2021. The ceasefire was brokered by Egypt and the United States.
  2. Casualties: According to reports, at least 248 people were killed in Gaza, including 67 children, and over 1,900 were injured. In Israel, 12 people were killed, including two children, and over 300 were injured.
  3. Damage: The conflict caused significant damage to infrastructure and property in Gaza, with estimates suggesting that over 10,000 homes were destroyed or severely damaged. In Israel, several buildings were damaged, and some communities were evacuated due to rocket attacks.
  4. International Response: The international community, including the United Nations, the European Union, and several countries, condemned the violence and called for a ceasefire. The United States and other countries also provided humanitarian aid to Gaza.
  5. Investigations: Both sides have launched investigations into the conflict. Israel has launched an investigation into the use of force, while Hamas has launched an investigation into the use of rockets.


The conflict between Israel and Hamas is rooted in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has been ongoing for decades. The latest escalation was sparked by tensions surrounding the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, which is considered holy by both Jews and Muslims. The situation was further exacerbated by the Israeli government's plans to evict several Palestinian families from their homes in East Jerusalem.

Current Situation:

As the ceasefire holds, both sides are working to rebuild and recover from the damage caused by the conflict. The international community is providing humanitarian aid and support to Gaza, while Israel is working to repair damaged infrastructure and restore normalcy to its communities.

Ongoing Challenges:

Despite the ceasefire, several challenges remain:

  1. Tensions: Tensions between Israel and Hamas remain high, and there are concerns that the situation could escalate again.
  2. Reconstruction: Gaza's infrastructure and economy were severely damaged during the conflict, and reconstruction efforts are ongoing.
  3. Humanitarian Crisis: The conflict has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with many people in need of food, shelter, and medical care.
  4. Political Impasse: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains unresolved, and political tensions between the two sides continue to simmer.

I hope this information helps you stay up-to-date on the latest developments between Israel and Hamas.