Imc players to discuss advertising and power of nigerian story march 6

It seems like you're organizing an event for IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications) players to discuss advertising and the power of Nigerian stories on March 6th. That's a great idea!

To make the event a success, here are some suggestions:

Event Concept: Title: "The Power of Nigerian Storytelling in Advertising" Objective: To explore the impact of Nigerian stories on advertising and how they can be leveraged to create effective campaigns.


  1. Introduction and Welcome (5 minutes)
  2. Keynote Speaker: "The Power of Nigerian Storytelling in Advertising" (30 minutes)
  3. Panel Discussion: "Leveraging Nigerian Stories in Advertising" (45 minutes)
    • Moderator: [Name]
    • Panelists: [List of 3-4 industry experts]
  4. Breakout Sessions (45 minutes)
    • Session 1: "Crafting Compelling Nigerian Storylines for Advertising"
    • Session 2: "Using Nigerian Culture and Traditions in Advertising"
  5. Networking and Refreshments (30 minutes)
  6. Closing Remarks and Next Steps (5 minutes)

Keynote Speaker: Invite a renowned expert in the field of advertising or a creative director who has worked on successful Nigerian-themed campaigns. They can share their insights on the power of Nigerian storytelling in advertising and provide examples of successful campaigns.

Panel Discussion: Assemble a panel of industry experts who have experience in creating and executing Nigerian-themed advertising campaigns. They can share their perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of using Nigerian stories in advertising.

Breakout Sessions: Organize two breakout sessions that focus on specific aspects of using Nigerian stories in advertising. These sessions can be led by industry experts or facilitators who can guide the discussions and provide insights.

Networking and Refreshments: Provide a 30-minute break for attendees to network and mingle. Offer refreshments, such as snacks and drinks, to keep the energy levels high.

Promotion: Promote the event through social media, email marketing, and industry publications. Create an event page on Facebook and invite attendees to join. Send out email invitations to your network and encourage them to share the event with their contacts.

Logistics: Book a suitable venue for the event, considering factors such as accessibility, seating capacity, and amenities. Ensure that the venue is equipped with necessary audio-visual equipment and has a comfortable atmosphere for attendees.

By following these suggestions, you can create a successful event that brings together IMC players to discuss the power of Nigerian storytelling in advertising. Good luck with your event planning!