Inec rolls out guidelines for campaigns

You're referring to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Nigeria!

According to reports, INEC has released guidelines for political campaigns ahead of the 2023 general elections. Here are some key points from the guidelines:

  1. Campaign duration: The commission has fixed the campaign period for presidential and National Assembly elections from January 12 to February 23, 2023. For governorship and state Houses of Assembly elections, the campaign period will be from January 12 to March 1, 2023.
  2. Campaign restrictions: INEC has prohibited campaigns from taking place in places of worship, schools, and hospitals. Campaigns are also not allowed within 400 meters of polling units.
  3. Campaign materials: Political parties are required to submit their campaign materials, including posters, banners, and flyers, to INEC for clearance. The commission will review these materials to ensure they comply with the Electoral Act and INEC's guidelines.
  4. Social media use: INEC has warned political parties and candidates against using social media to spread hate speech, fake news, or inflammatory messages. The commission has also advised parties to be mindful of the use of social media to spread false information about opponents.
  5. Campaign finance: INEC has emphasized the need for political parties to comply with the Electoral Act's provisions on campaign finance. Parties are required to submit their campaign finance reports to the commission.
  6. Code of Conduct: INEC has reminded political parties and candidates of the need to adhere to a code of conduct, which includes avoiding violence, hate speech, and other forms of electoral malpractice.
  7. Campaign rallies: INEC has prohibited campaign rallies from taking place in areas prone to violence or where there are security concerns.
  8. Campaign financing: INEC has warned against the use of foreign funds for political campaigns, as this is illegal under Nigerian law.

These guidelines are aimed at ensuring a peaceful, free, and fair electoral process in Nigeria.