Conner kent new 52

Conner Kent, also known as Superboy, is a fictional character in the DC Comics universe. He was introduced in the New 52 reboot of the DC Universe in 2011.

In the New 52, Conner Kent is the son of Superman and Lois Lane, but he is not the same character as the original Superboy from the pre-Crisis DC Universe. Instead, he is a genetically engineered clone of Superman, created by Project Cadmus, a secret organization that sought to create a Superman-like being.

Conner's origin story is that he was created using Superman's DNA and a human surrogate mother, Lois Lane. He was designed to be a more powerful and aggressive version of Superman, with enhanced strength, speed, and agility. However, Conner's creators soon realized that he was not just a mindless killing machine, but a sentient being with his own thoughts and feelings.

Conner's early adventures in the New 52 were marked by his struggles to understand his powers and his place in the world. He was initially portrayed as a rebellious and angsty teenager, who was torn between his desire to use his powers for good and his feelings of isolation and loneliness.

As the series progressed, Conner's character developed and he became a more complex and nuanced character. He formed close relationships with other characters, including his friend and ally, Tim Drake (the original Robin), and his love interest, Lana Lang.

Conner's story in the New 52 was marked by several significant events, including his battle against the villainous H'el, who sought to destroy the Earth and remake it in his own image. Conner also played a key role in the "H'el on Earth" storyline, which saw him team up with other heroes to stop H'el's plans.

Overall, Conner Kent's character in the New 52 was a fresh take on the classic Superboy character, and his story added a new layer of depth and complexity to the DC Universe.