In spain everyone is asking the same questions

That's an interesting observation! It's possible that you've noticed that many people in Spain are asking similar questions, and there could be several reasons for this. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Cultural curiosity: Spaniards are known for their love of conversation and socializing. They often ask questions to show interest in others and to build relationships. This cultural curiosity might lead to similar questions being asked across different conversations.
  2. Common topics of discussion: Spain has a rich cultural heritage, and many people are passionate about topics like food, wine, football (soccer), and history. These common interests might lead to similar questions being asked, as people discuss their favorite teams, restaurants, or historical landmarks.
  3. Tourist-related questions: Spain is a popular tourist destination, and many visitors ask similar questions about navigating the country, finding good food and drink, and exploring popular attractions. Locals might ask similar questions to help tourists or share their own experiences.
  4. Language and communication: Spanish is the official language, and many people may ask similar questions to clarify or practice their language skills. This could be especially true for foreigners living in Spain or expats who are still learning the language.
  5. Social media and online influence: Social media platforms and online forums can spread popular questions and topics, influencing what people ask and discuss in their daily conversations.

Some examples of common questions you might hear in Spain include:

Keep in mind that these are just a few possibilities, and there might be other factors at play. If you're experiencing a specific situation or context where you're noticing similar questions being asked, I'd be happy to help you explore it further!