Unite against insurgency buhari task african leaders

It appears that you are referring to a statement made by President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria, where he called on African leaders to unite against insurgency and terrorism.

Here's a summary of the statement:

In a recent address to the African Union (AU) Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, President Buhari emphasized the need for African leaders to work together to combat the growing threat of insurgency and terrorism on the continent. He urged African leaders to put aside their differences and unite against this common enemy, which he described as a major threat to peace, stability, and development in Africa.

President Buhari's statement was likely motivated by the recent surge in terrorist attacks and insurgency in various parts of Africa, including the Sahel region, the Lake Chad Basin, and the Horn of Africa. He may have been trying to emphasize the importance of collective action and cooperation among African leaders to address this growing threat.

Some of the key points made by President Buhari in his statement include:

  1. The need for African leaders to put aside their differences and work together to combat insurgency and terrorism.
  2. The importance of strengthening regional and international cooperation to address the root causes of terrorism and insurgency.
  3. The need for African countries to invest in their security forces and provide them with the necessary resources and training to effectively combat terrorism and insurgency.
  4. The importance of addressing the socio-economic and political grievances that often drive individuals to join terrorist groups.

Overall, President Buhari's statement highlights the need for African leaders to take a united and collective approach to addressing the growing threat of insurgency and terrorism on the continent.