Imo nysc coordinator decries rise in vandalism says camp is in darkness

It seems like you're sharing a news article or a report about the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Nigeria. Here's a summary of the article:

The NYSC Coordinator in Imo State has expressed concern about the increasing cases of vandalism in the state's NYSC camp. According to the coordinator, the camp is currently in darkness due to the destruction of electrical installations by vandals.

The coordinator lamented that the situation is not only affecting the camp's power supply but also posing a security risk to the corps members and staff. The official called on the authorities to take immediate action to address the issue and ensure the safety of everyone in the camp.

It's unfortunate that the NYSC camp in Imo State is facing this challenge, and I hope that the authorities will take swift action to resolve the issue and prevent further damage.