Trump clinton blast each other on character clinton rises in poll

It seems like you're referring to the 2016 US Presidential Election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Here's a brief summary:

In the final weeks of the campaign, both Trump and Clinton engaged in a series of personal attacks on each other, focusing on their characters and personal lives. Trump repeatedly accused Clinton of being dishonest, corrupt, and responsible for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya. He also made controversial comments about women, including his infamous "Access Hollywood" tape, which surfaced in October 2016.

Clinton, on the other hand, criticized Trump's temperament, calling him unfit for the presidency and questioning his ability to make sound decisions. She also accused him of being a racist, a sexist, and a xenophobe, citing his past comments and actions.

Despite the intense personal attacks, Clinton's poll numbers actually rose in the final weeks of the campaign. According to a CNN/SSRS poll conducted in late October 2016, Clinton's lead over Trump increased to 7 points, with 47% of likely voters supporting her and 40% supporting him.

Clinton ultimately won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes, but lost the Electoral College vote to Trump, who won 304 electoral votes to Clinton's 227.