Igbo confusing 2023 presidency with restructuring sani outgoing acf secretary

It seems like you're referring to a statement made by Sani Okromah, the outgoing Secretary of the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF). He made some comments that have been interpreted as confusing the 2023 presidential election with the issue of restructuring.

For context, the 2023 presidential election is a political event where Nigerians will elect a new president to succeed the incumbent, while restructuring refers to the process of reorganizing the country's governance structure, including the distribution of powers and resources between the federal government and the states.

Sani Okromah's statement seemed to suggest that the 2023 presidential election is somehow tied to the issue of restructuring, which has been a contentious topic in Nigerian politics. Some people have criticized his statement, saying it's a way of trying to confuse the issue or distract from the real concerns about restructuring.

It's worth noting that the ACF is a prominent northern Nigerian organization that has been vocal on issues affecting the region. While Sani Okromah's statement may have caused some confusion, it's also important to recognize that the issue of restructuring is complex and multifaceted, and requires careful consideration and debate.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you think Sani Okromah's statement was confusing, or do you think there's a deeper connection between the 2023 presidential election and restructuring?