Frsc nigeria news

FRSC (Federal Road Safety Corps) Nigeria News!

Here are some recent updates and news from the Federal Road Safety Corps in Nigeria:

Latest News

  1. FRSC Introduces New Vehicle Inspection Regime: The FRSC has introduced a new vehicle inspection regime to ensure that vehicles on Nigerian roads are roadworthy and safe. The regime includes a new inspection form and a penalty for non-compliance.
  2. FRSC Launches Operation "Show Your Badge": The FRSC has launched an operation aimed at reducing road crashes and fatalities by ensuring that all road users, including motorists, wear their seatbelts and helmets.
  3. FRSC Records 1,000 Road Crashes in 2 Weeks: The FRSC has recorded over 1,000 road crashes in the past two weeks, resulting in the loss of over 200 lives. The agency has attributed the high number of crashes to reckless driving and non-compliance with traffic rules.
  4. FRSC Warns Motorists Against Overloading: The FRSC has warned motorists against overloading their vehicles, saying it is a major cause of road crashes and fatalities.
  5. FRSC Introduces New Uniform for Officers: The FRSC has introduced a new uniform for its officers, which includes a new design and color scheme.

Recent Press Releases

  1. FRSC Press Release: "FRSC Records 1,000 Road Crashes in 2 Weeks" (February 2023)
  2. FRSC Press Release: "FRSC Launches Operation 'Show Your Badge'" (January 2023)
  3. FRSC Press Release: "FRSC Introduces New Vehicle Inspection Regime" (December 2022)

Recent Videos

  1. FRSC Video: "FRSC Launches Operation 'Show Your Badge'" (January 2023)
  2. FRSC Video: "FRSC Records 1,000 Road Crashes in 2 Weeks" (February 2023)
  3. FRSC Video: "FRSC Introduces New Vehicle Inspection Regime" (December 2022)

Recent Photos

  1. FRSC Photo: "FRSC Officers in New Uniform" (February 2023)
  2. FRSC Photo: "FRSC Launches Operation 'Show Your Badge'" (January 2023)
  3. FRSC Photo: "FRSC Records 1,000 Road Crashes in 2 Weeks" (February 2023)

Stay safe on Nigerian roads!