I dont need any friendship in this house bbnaija s7

A popular phrase from the Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) reality TV show!

"I don't need any friendship in this house" is a phrase that was famously uttered by a housemate, and it's become a meme and a cultural reference in Nigeria.

In the context of the show, the phrase is often used when a housemate is feeling frustrated, betrayed, or hurt by their fellow housemates, and they're expressing their desire to distance themselves from the drama and focus on their individual goals.

However, outside of the show, the phrase has taken on a broader meaning. It's often used to express a sense of independence, self-reliance, and a willingness to prioritize one's own needs and goals over the need for social connections or relationships.

So, if you're feeling like you don't need any friendship in your life right now, that's okay! Take some time to focus on yourself, prioritize your own needs, and remember that you don't need anyone else's validation or approval to be happy and fulfilled.