How to write hard news

Writing hard news requires a clear and concise style, a focus on facts, and a neutral tone. Here are some tips to help you write effective hard news:

  1. Focus on the facts: Hard news is about reporting the facts of a story, without interpretation or opinion. Stick to verifiable facts and avoid speculation or hearsay.
  2. Use a clear and concise structure: A typical hard news story follows a inverted pyramid structure:
    • Lead (first paragraph): Grab the reader's attention with a concise summary of the story.
    • Background (second paragraph): Provide context and background information on the story.
    • Main points (subsequent paragraphs): Break down the story into key points, using clear and concise language.
    • Conclusion (final paragraph): Summarize the main points and provide a final thought or call to action.
  3. Use objective language: Avoid using emotive language, slang, or jargon that might influence the reader's opinion. Instead, use neutral language that simply reports the facts.
  4. Include relevant quotes: Quotes from experts, witnesses, or officials can add depth and context to your story. Make sure to identify the speaker and provide context for their quote.
  5. Use credible sources: Verify your information through credible sources, such as official documents, eyewitness accounts, or expert opinions.
  6. Keep it concise: Hard news stories should be brief and to the point. Aim for a length of around 300-500 words.
  7. Use active voice: Using active voice makes your writing more engaging and easier to read.
  8. Avoid sensationalism: Hard news is about reporting the facts, not sensationalizing them. Avoid using attention-grabbing headlines or language that might mislead the reader.
  9. Use proper grammar and punctuation: Make sure your writing is free of errors and easy to read.
  10. Fact-check and edit: Before publishing, fact-check your story and edit it for clarity, accuracy, and grammar.

Here's an example of a hard news story:

Headline: "City Council Approves New Development Plan"

Lead: The city council has approved a new development plan for the downtown area, which will bring in new businesses and jobs.

Background: The plan has been in the works for several months and has been the subject of much debate among local residents and business owners.

Main points:

Conclusion: The new development plan is expected to bring significant economic benefits to the city and improve the downtown area. The city council's approval marks a major step forward for the project, which is expected to break ground in the coming months.

Remember, the key to writing effective hard news is to focus on the facts, use clear and concise language, and avoid sensationalism.