How to tell your friends about your new business

Congratulations on your new business! Telling your friends about it can be an exciting and important step in building your customer base and getting the word out. Here are some tips to help you share the news with your friends:

  1. Prepare a brief pitch: Before sharing the news with your friends, prepare a brief pitch that summarizes your business idea, products or services, and what sets you apart from others in the industry. This will help you confidently and concisely explain your business to your friends.
  2. Choose the right platform: Decide how you want to share the news with your friends. You can use social media, email, text message, or even a phone call. Consider the platform that best fits your personality and the tone you want to convey.
  3. Be enthusiastic and authentic: Share your excitement and passion for your business with your friends. Be authentic and genuine in your approach, and let your friends know why you're so passionate about your venture.
  4. Highlight the benefits: Emphasize the benefits of your business, such as how it can solve a problem or improve their lives. This will help your friends understand the value of your business and why they should support you.
  5. Ask for their support: Don't be afraid to ask your friends for their support. You can ask them to share your business with their networks, try out your products or services, or provide feedback on your business.

Here are some specific ways to share the news with your friends:

Social media:


Text message:

Phone call:


Remember to be patient and understanding if your friends don't immediately respond or show interest. Building a business takes time, and it's okay if not everyone is immediately on board.