How to sell news pictures to newspaper company in nigeria

Selling news pictures to newspaper companies in Nigeria requires a strategic approach. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Build a portfolio: Develop a portfolio of your best news pictures, showcasing your photography skills and style. This will help you stand out from other photographers and demonstrate your ability to capture high-quality images.
  2. Identify target newspapers: Research and create a list of major newspaper companies in Nigeria, such as:
    • The Punch
    • The Guardian
    • Vanguard
    • ThisDay
    • Daily Trust
    • Leadership
    • The Nation
  3. Understand their needs: Familiarize yourself with the types of news stories and images that each newspaper typically covers. This will help you tailor your pitch and portfolio to their specific needs.
  4. Create a pitch: Develop a concise and compelling pitch that highlights your unique selling points, such as:
    • Your expertise in covering specific beats (e.g., politics, sports, entertainment)
    • Your ability to capture high-quality images under tight deadlines
    • Your willingness to work on a freelance basis
  5. Reach out to editors: Contact the photo editors or picture desks of the newspapers you've identified. You can find their contact information through online directories, social media, or by visiting their offices.
  6. Submit your portfolio: Send your portfolio to the editors, either electronically or in print. Make sure your portfolio is well-organized, easy to navigate, and showcases your best work.
  7. Follow up: If you don't receive a response, follow up with a polite email or phone call to inquire about the status of your submission.
  8. Negotiate rates: If your portfolio is well-received, negotiate your rates with the newspaper. Freelance rates in Nigeria can vary, but a common range is between ₦5,000 to ₦20,000 (approximately $13 to $53 USD) per image.
  9. Deliver high-quality images: Once you've secured a sale, ensure that you deliver high-quality images that meet the newspaper's expectations. This will help you build a reputation and increase the likelihood of future sales.
  10. Maintain a professional relationship: Build a professional relationship with the newspaper and its editors. This will help you stay informed about their needs and preferences, and increase the chances of future sales.

Additional tips:

By following these steps and tips, you can increase your chances of selling news pictures to newspaper companies in Nigeria.