How to prepare for networking at the 17th wimbiz conference this november #

The 17th WIMBIZ Conference is just around the corner! To help you prepare for networking, I've put together some tips to increase your chances of making meaningful connections:

Before the Conference:

  1. Update your LinkedIn profile: Make sure your profile is complete, professional, and showcases your skills, experience, and achievements.
  2. Research the attendees: Look up the list of confirmed speakers, sponsors, and attendees. Identify key people you'd like to connect with and prepare questions or topics to discuss.
  3. Prepare your elevator pitch: Craft a concise, 30-second summary of your professional background, goals, and what you're looking for in a connection.
  4. Practice your networking skills: Think about how you'll introduce yourself, ask questions, and engage in conversations.

At the Conference:

  1. Arrive early: Get to the conference venue early to grab a good seat, network with other attendees, and get settled before the sessions start.
  2. Wear a name tag: Make sure your name tag is visible and easily readable. This will help others quickly identify you and start conversations.
  3. Be approachable: Smile, make eye contact, and be open to starting conversations. Don't be afraid to initiate conversations or ask questions.
  4. Listen actively: Pay attention to what others are saying and show interest in their experiences and perspectives.
  5. Take notes: Jot down key points, ideas, and follow-up actions from your conversations. This will help you remember important details and follow up with new contacts.

During Conversations:

  1. Ask open-ended questions: Encourage others to share their experiences and insights by asking open-ended questions that can't be answered with a simple "yes" or "no."
  2. Find common ground: Look for shared interests, experiences, or goals to build rapport and establish a connection.
  3. Be authentic and genuine: Be yourself, and don't try to be someone you're not. People are more likely to remember and connect with someone who is authentic and genuine.
  4. Exchange contact information: If you hit it off with someone, exchange contact information (e.g., LinkedIn profiles, business cards) to stay in touch after the conference.

After the Conference:

  1. Follow up: Send a brief email or LinkedIn message to the people you met, summarizing your conversation and any agreements or next steps you discussed.
  2. Connect on social media: Send a connection request on LinkedIn or other platforms to stay in touch and continue the conversation.
  3. Review your notes: Review your notes from the conference and identify any follow-up actions or next steps you need to take.

By following these tips, you'll be well-prepared to make the most of your networking experience at the 17th WIMBIZ Conference. Good luck, and I hope you have a fantastic time!